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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic© is owned by Hasbro©. All episode ideas will be judged by me and other members. Your episode idea must be clean, safe, and with no swearing since this is originally a children's show. 


To submit an episode idea, become a member! You can make your way to the Idea Room to see others' ideas. To see the full story line, click on it. While you are on the Idea Room, you can find a button at the bottom of the page that says, "Enter your own idea!". Upon clicking the button, you will be redirected to your email account where you can email me your idea. After approving it, I will send a comformation email to you letting you know that I have approved. Then, you can go to the Idea Room and see your idea!



Rules: Anything explicit or inappropriate will end in an instant permenant ban. Swearing is not suggested. A swear word, depending on its intensity, will result in a warning. 3 warnings and a temporary ban for a month or more. One or two warnings after the ban will result in a permanent ban. No bullying, hate, or unrelated topics. Any of these will result in a warning, and if continued, a ban.



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